Friday, December 12, 2008


well, i have discovered the down side of blogging... with real readers. a nagging sense of responsibility.

i have returned home, and am, presumably , on the mend, but i am overwhelmed by the backlog spawned by a well developed habit of procrastination and dropping out of one's daily life for over a week. i have a bit less energy than usual, and admittedly, that was in short supply to start with.

i am supposed to be on bed rest, with the bum leg elevated most of the time. if you have lived alone, now or in the past, you know how blooming impossible that is. while the infection seems about whipped, aided by copious continued oral antibiotics, the obscene edema has not abated. it took a few days of missed communications, but i secured an appointment with the internal specialist who was treating me in the hospital, as was recommended, for later on today. although, against recommendation, i have to rely on the scooter for transportation, and OF COURSE the office is clear across town. maybe something or someone will turn up to make that unnecessary, but i won't hold my breath.

my frustration here in blogland is that while i do have a couple hospital stories to relate, i have yet to learn the knack of typing on my belly or with my leg raised higher than my laptop.

and so, my friends, i must cut this short and get my foot back up for the next few hours... again.



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